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Curriculum Vitae Caroline Janz

Dr. Caroline JanzCurriculum Vitae Caroline Janz

University of Freiburg
Institut für Soziologie
Global Studies Programme
Rempartstr. 15
D-79085 Freiburg im Breisgau

Phone: 0049-(0)761-2039391

Office hours during the semester:

Tuesdays      9 - 10 a.m. (in person & via Zoom)

Office hours during the lecture-free period: upon request

Current Position

Since 11/2011    

Director of the Global Studies Programme


Professional Experience


Parental leave


Research assistant, Institute of Sociology, University of Education Freiburg, part time (50%), project “Auswahlprozesse in der Lehrstellenvergabe”, funded by Baden-Württemberg-Foundation (programme: “Netzwerk Bildungsforschung”), principle investigator: Prof. Dr. Albert Scherr


Co-investigator “Homophobia, sexism and racism in soccer”, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg, funded by the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, principle investigator: Prof. Dr. Nina Degele


Research assistant, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg, part-time post (50%)


Lecturer, Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Koblenz-Landau


Research assistant attached to the project, “Subjective perceptions of (in) security”, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

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Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Education, Freiburg


M.A. in Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology, University of Freiburg

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Teaching Activities

SS 2023

Seminar "Inequality, power and knowledge – sociological theories and concepts" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2021

Seminar "Contested and situated knowledges" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2020

Seminar "European concepts of inequality and power – continuities and contestations" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2019

Seminar "European social thought – continuities and contestations" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2018

Seminar "European Social Thougth – Continuities and Contestations, Inequality and Power" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2016

Seminar "European Social Thought - and beyond. Inequality and Power" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

WS 2015/2016

Workshop "Analyzing Qualitative Data" (in English, with Diana Cichecki), Fall School in Empirical Research Methods, Southeast Asian Studies in cooperation with the Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2015

Seminar “European Social Thought – Inequality and Power” (in English), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

WS 2014/2015

Workshop “Analyzing Qualitative Data” (in English,with Diana Cichecki), Fall School in Empirical Research Methods, Southeast Asian Studies in cooperation with the Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

Since WS 2011/2012

Annual: “Global Studies-Forum” (with Florian Schumacher), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2013

Seminar “European Social Thought – The Question of Power and Relations of Domination“ (with Manuel Armbruster), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

SS 2012

Seminar “Modern European Thought” (in English), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

WS 2012/2013

Compact-Seminar "Theories of Globalization" (in English, with Florian Schumacher), FLACSO, Buenos Aires, Argentina

WS 2012/2013, 2011/2012

“Colloquium” for Master´s Students and "Global Studies- Forum" (both in English, with Florian Schumacher), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg

WS 2011/2012

“European Social Structure and Global Change” (in English), lecture series, with Sabrina Grosse-Kettler, Alexander Lenger, Florian Schumacher and Johanna Wintermantel, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg

WS 2010/2011

Seminar “Social Conflicts, Inequalities and Everyday Life” (in German), Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg

WS 2010/2011

Seminar “Human Images – a culture and gender specific construction” (in German, with Saskia Walter), Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau

SS 2008

Undergraduate tutorial “Methods and concepts for designing research-projects” (in German), Department of Anthropology, University of Freiburg

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Organization of Conferences (Selection)


Conference “Diskriminierung in der beruflichen Bildung: Stand der Forschung, Kontroversen, Forschungsbedarf”, University of Education Freiburg


International Conference, “Studying social in the Era of Globalization”, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, Indien

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Scholarship holder of “Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst”

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Research Interests

  • Social inequality
  • Intersectionality
  • Globalization and Migration
  • Qualitative Social Research Methods
  • Sociology of Culture
  • Sociology of Gender Relations
  • Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu

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Further Research Experience

  • “Shaping and Experiencing Migration. Constructions of the Self and the Other by Latin American Women in Germany” (M.A . thesis, 114 p.) (Empirical research conducted in a southern German city and its surroundings, 08/2008- 07/2009)

  • "Women´s ´njangi`-Groups" as part of the teaching research project “From Village to City”, University of Basel (empirical research conducted in the North West Province, Cameroon, 02/2006-02/2007)

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Articles (partly peer-reviewed)

  • Janz, C. (2017a): Das „Bauchgefühl“ als Instrument der Personalauswahl bei der Vergabe von Ausbildungsstellen. Zur Erklärungskraft des organisationsspezifischen Habitus. In: Sozialer Sinn, 18 (1), 57–91. (peer-reviewed)
  • Janz, C. (2017b): Was wir vom Handwerk lernen können: Zwei Subjektivierungsfiguren als empirische Irritationen für den etablierten Subjektivierungsdiskurs. In: Leviathan 45 (4), 494–523. (peer-reviewed)
  • Janz, C. (2014): Ongoing Demarcations - The Intersections of Inequalities in a Globalized World. In: Lenger, A.; Schumacher, F.: Understanding the Global Dynamics of Inequality. Berlin, Heidelberg, 87–106.



  • Janz, C. (2017): Selektionsprozesse und die (Re-) Produktion von Ungleichheiten. Betriebe als Organisationen im Bildungswesen – eine empirische Untersuchung, Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg,1–94.
  • Scherr, A.; Janz, C.; Müller, S. (2015c): Diskriminierung in der beruflichen Bildung. Wie migrantische Jugendliche bei der Lehrstellenvergabe benachteiligt werden, Wiesbaden, 9–201.
  • Janz, C. (2010): Migration erfahren und gestalten. Fremd- und Selbstkonstruktionen von Lateinamerikanerinnen in Deutschland, Freiburg i. Brsg.,1-114.(unveröffentlichte Magisterarbeit)


Articles (co-authorship, partly peer-reviewed)

  • Scherr, A.; Janz, C.; Müller, S. (2015b): Berufliche Ausbildung und Diskriminierung, in: Marschke, B.; Brinkmann, H. U. (eds.), "Ich habe nichts gegen Ausländer, aber …". Alltagsrassismus in Deutschland, Berlin, Münster, 189–202.
  • Scherr, A.; Janz, C.; Müller, S. (2015d): Einleitung: Ausmaß, Formen und Ursachen der Diskriminierung migrantischer Bewerber/innen um Ausbildungsplätze. Forschungsergebnisse, Forschungsdefizite und Kontroversen, in: Scherr, A. (ed.), Diskriminierung migrantischer Jugendlicher in der beruflichen Bildung. Stand der Forschung, Kontroversen, Forschungsbedarf, Weinheim, Basel, 9–33.
  • Scherr, A.; Müller, S.; Janz, C. (2013): Diskriminierungsbereitschaft in der beruflichen Bildung: Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus einer Betriebsbefragung, In: Soziale Probleme, 24 (2), 245–269 (peer-reviewed).
  • Degele, N.; Janz, C. (2012): Homosexualität im Fußball - Zur Konstruktion von Normalität und Abweichung. In: Sobiech, G.; Ochsner, A.(eds.): Spielen Frauen ein anderes Spiel? Geschichte, Organisation, Repräsentationen und kulturelle Praxen im Frauenfußball, Wiesbaden,195–214.
  • Nina Degele/Caroline Janz (2011): Hetero, weiß und männlich? Fußball ist viel mehr! In: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Forum Politik und Gesellschaft (ed.), 1-76.



  • Fulquet, G./Janz, C./ Kumar, A. (Hrsg.) (2013):  Studying Social Sciences in the Era of Globalization. New Delhi, India: Palm Leaf Publications,1-177.




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