Curriculum Vitae Caroline Janz
Dr. Caroline Janz
University of Freiburg
Institut für Soziologie
Global Studies Programme
Rempartstr. 15
D-79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Phone: 0049-(0)761-2039391
Office hours during the semester:
Tuesdays 9 - 10 a.m. (in person & via Zoom)
Office hours during the lecture-free period: upon request
Current Position
Since 11/2011 |
Director of the Global Studies Programme |
Professional Experience
09/2021-02/2023 |
Parental leave |
01/2013-02/2015 |
Research assistant, Institute of Sociology, University of Education Freiburg, part time (50%), project “Auswahlprozesse in der Lehrstellenvergabe”, funded by Baden-Württemberg-Foundation (programme: “Netzwerk Bildungsforschung”), principle investigator: Prof. Dr. Albert Scherr |
10/2010-11/2011 |
Co-investigator “Homophobia, sexism and racism in soccer”, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg, funded by the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, principle investigator: Prof. Dr. Nina Degele |
10/2010-03/2011 |
Research assistant, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg, part-time post (50%) |
10/2010-03/2011 |
Lecturer, Institute of Cultural Studies, University of Koblenz-Landau |
06/2010-09/2010 |
Research assistant attached to the project, “Subjective perceptions of (in) security”, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
08/2017 |
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Education, Freiburg |
10/2004-02/2010 |
M.A. in Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology, University of Freiburg |
Teaching Activities
SS 2023 |
Seminar "Inequality, power and knowledge – sociological theories and concepts" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2021 |
Seminar "Contested and situated knowledges" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2020 |
Seminar "European concepts of inequality and power – continuities and contestations" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2019 |
Seminar "European social thought – continuities and contestations" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2018 |
Seminar "European Social Thougth – Continuities and Contestations, Inequality and Power" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2016 |
Seminar "European Social Thought - and beyond. Inequality and Power" (in English), Sociology Department, Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
WS 2015/2016 |
Workshop "Analyzing Qualitative Data" (in English, with Diana Cichecki), Fall School in Empirical Research Methods, Southeast Asian Studies in cooperation with the Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2015 |
Seminar “European Social Thought – Inequality and Power” (in English), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
WS 2014/2015 |
Workshop “Analyzing Qualitative Data” (in English,with Diana Cichecki), Fall School in Empirical Research Methods, Southeast Asian Studies in cooperation with the Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
Since WS 2011/2012 |
Annual: “Global Studies-Forum” (with Florian Schumacher), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2013 |
Seminar “European Social Thought – The Question of Power and Relations of Domination“ (with Manuel Armbruster), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
SS 2012 |
Seminar “Modern European Thought” (in English), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
WS 2012/2013 |
Compact-Seminar "Theories of Globalization" (in English, with Florian Schumacher), FLACSO, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
WS 2012/2013, 2011/2012 |
“Colloquium” for Master´s Students and "Global Studies- Forum" (both in English, with Florian Schumacher), Global Studies Programme, University of Freiburg |
WS 2011/2012 |
“European Social Structure and Global Change” (in English), lecture series, with Sabrina Grosse-Kettler, Alexander Lenger, Florian Schumacher and Johanna Wintermantel, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg |
WS 2010/2011 |
Seminar “Social Conflicts, Inequalities and Everyday Life” (in German), Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg |
WS 2010/2011 |
Seminar “Human Images – a culture and gender specific construction” (in German, with Saskia Walter), Institute of Cultural Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau |
SS 2008 |
Undergraduate tutorial “Methods and concepts for designing research-projects” (in German), Department of Anthropology, University of Freiburg |
Organization of Conferences (Selection)
01/2014 |
Conference “Diskriminierung in der beruflichen Bildung: Stand der Forschung, Kontroversen, Forschungsbedarf”, University of Education Freiburg |
04/2012 |
International Conference, “Studying social in the Era of Globalization”, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, Indien |
08/2006-01/2010 |
Scholarship holder of “Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst” |
Research Interests
- Social inequality
- Intersectionality
- Globalization and Migration
- Qualitative Social Research Methods
- Sociology of Culture
- Sociology of Gender Relations
- Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu
Further Research Experience
“Shaping and Experiencing Migration. Constructions of the Self and the Other by Latin American Women in Germany” (M.A . thesis, 114 p.) (Empirical research conducted in a southern German city and its surroundings, 08/2008- 07/2009)
"Women´s ´njangi`-Groups" as part of the teaching research project “From Village to City”, University of Basel (empirical research conducted in the North West Province, Cameroon, 02/2006-02/2007)
Articles (partly peer-reviewed)
- Janz, C. (2017a): Das „Bauchgefühl“ als Instrument der Personalauswahl bei der Vergabe von Ausbildungsstellen. Zur Erklärungskraft des organisationsspezifischen Habitus. In: Sozialer Sinn, 18 (1), 57–91. (peer-reviewed)
- Janz, C. (2017b): Was wir vom Handwerk lernen können: Zwei Subjektivierungsfiguren als empirische Irritationen für den etablierten Subjektivierungsdiskurs. In: Leviathan 45 (4), 494–523. (peer-reviewed)
- Janz, C. (2014): Ongoing Demarcations - The Intersections of Inequalities in a Globalized World. In: Lenger, A.; Schumacher, F.: Understanding the Global Dynamics of Inequality. Berlin, Heidelberg, 87–106.
- Janz, C. (2017): Selektionsprozesse und die (Re-) Produktion von Ungleichheiten. Betriebe als Organisationen im Bildungswesen – eine empirische Untersuchung, Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg,1–94.
- Scherr, A.; Janz, C.; Müller, S. (2015c): Diskriminierung in der beruflichen Bildung. Wie migrantische Jugendliche bei der Lehrstellenvergabe benachteiligt werden, Wiesbaden, 9–201.
- Janz, C. (2010): Migration erfahren und gestalten. Fremd- und Selbstkonstruktionen von Lateinamerikanerinnen in Deutschland, Freiburg i. Brsg.,1-114.(unveröffentlichte Magisterarbeit)
Articles (co-authorship, partly peer-reviewed)
- Scherr, A.; Janz, C.; Müller, S. (2015b): Berufliche Ausbildung und Diskriminierung, in: Marschke, B.; Brinkmann, H. U. (eds.), "Ich habe nichts gegen Ausländer, aber …". Alltagsrassismus in Deutschland, Berlin, Münster, 189–202.
- Scherr, A.; Janz, C.; Müller, S. (2015d): Einleitung: Ausmaß, Formen und Ursachen der Diskriminierung migrantischer Bewerber/innen um Ausbildungsplätze. Forschungsergebnisse, Forschungsdefizite und Kontroversen, in: Scherr, A. (ed.), Diskriminierung migrantischer Jugendlicher in der beruflichen Bildung. Stand der Forschung, Kontroversen, Forschungsbedarf, Weinheim, Basel, 9–33.
- Scherr, A.; Müller, S.; Janz, C. (2013): Diskriminierungsbereitschaft in der beruflichen Bildung: Ergebnisse und Folgerungen aus einer Betriebsbefragung, In: Soziale Probleme, 24 (2), 245–269 (peer-reviewed).
- Degele, N.; Janz, C. (2012): Homosexualität im Fußball - Zur Konstruktion von Normalität und Abweichung. In: Sobiech, G.; Ochsner, A.(eds.): Spielen Frauen ein anderes Spiel? Geschichte, Organisation, Repräsentationen und kulturelle Praxen im Frauenfußball, Wiesbaden,195–214.
- Nina Degele/Caroline Janz (2011): Hetero, weiß und männlich? Fußball ist viel mehr! In: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Forum Politik und Gesellschaft (ed.), 1-76.
- Fulquet, G./Janz, C./ Kumar, A. (Hrsg.) (2013): Studying Social Sciences in the Era of Globalization. New Delhi, India: Palm Leaf Publications,1-177.