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Faisal Garba featured in the De/Coloniality Now Online Lecture Series

We are glad to announce that Dr. Faisal Garba, head of GSP at the University of Cape Town, will give a talk within the De/Coloniality Now Online Lecture Series. The talk will take place tomorrow, on January 29th, at 5 pm CET and have the title "Contemporary Capitalism and the Coloniality of Labour Migration". Everyone is invited to attend (Zoom).


The shift towards platform work, e-hailing and digital work (among others) has significantly transformed the organisation of the labour process, the ability of workers to organise and the concentration of wealth. States, community-based organisations and even activists, are concentrating on digital skills as a way of empowering people and preparing them for the “digital working world.” What has remained constant is the intertwined relations between capitalist accumulation and coloniality of labour. Migrant workers and their vulnerabilities remain both tools and strategies of accumulation. This presentation looks at how a colonially derived notion of migrancy and associated vulnerability underpin accumulation in contemporary capitalism.