Guest lecture "The History of Persecution and the Civil Rights Movement of Sinti and Roma in Germany"
You are cordially invited to the in-person guest lecture on "The History of Persecution and the Civil Rights Movement of Sinti and Roma in Germany“, followed by a mini-musical programme. Please save the date and the venue:
05. Juli 2024, 16 Uhr s.t., Institut für Soziologie, Übungsraum 2 & Übungsraum 1, Kollegiengebäude IV, University of Freiburg.
This event, organized by PD Dr. Ercüment Çelik, is a fruitful product of the cooperation between the Global Studies Programme, ‚De/Coloniality Now‘ Collaborative Research Initiative, and ‚Bildungsbotschafter*innen gegen Antiziganismus‘ Project of the Landesrat deutscher Sinti und Roma Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., Landesvertretung and Deutscher Sinti und Roma Baden-Württemberg Sinti Powerclub e.V.