Lecture Series: "Latin America's New Moment of Contested Politics: Social Movements, the State, and Democracy"
New cleavages and opportunities define the complex political landscape of Latin America in 2018: In Mexico, presidential elections will take place in a climate of distrust, where many accuse political institutions of collusions with crime. In Venezuela, the news suggest a polarization becoming more acute by the week, and political and economic turbulence coincide. Colombian society, while having ended a 60 years armed conflict between the state and the FARC Guerrilla at least on paper, and having destroyed large numbers of weapons, is now pitted between two presidential candidates with very different ideas of peace. What does the altered political panorama mean for Social Movements in Latin America? In which ways does this change their relation with the state? What democratic potential lies in political challenges? Which problems arise for the democratic negotiation of conflict?
The series aims to provide perspectives on the current political challenges in Latin America and their impacts on political actors, institutions and mechanisms.
The series will be held in English. Mondays, 8 pm.
For Detailed Information please check https://www.studiumgenerale.uni-freiburg.de/col-politicum/vortragsreihen/lateinamerika.