Current students
Citation Management
Manuel for Citation Management - Global Studies Programme (pdf-file)
Internship form for your work experience:
Master Thesis
From Batch 2014 onward this list also contains the names of the first and second supervisors, as well as the university of the second supervisor.
International Office
- Finding accommodation in Freiburg
- Financial aid and scholarships
- Welcome Guide for international students
DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst): Destination Germany
- A Pocket Guide for International Students (pdf-file)
- A Practical Guide for Studying in Germany (pdf-file)
- Scholarship database
- The successful way to study in Germany
Library - University of Freiburg
Examination Office University of Freiburg
- Gemeinsamme Kommission (GeKo)
- Access to "MyAccount"
- Current examination regulations ("Prüfungsordnung")
Online registrations to Exams and Login to your personal account
University Calender
Studentenwerk Freiburg
- 'Studentenwerk' is an organisation providing social, financial and cultural support services to students in Germany
- Student residences
- Student finances
Career Advice
University Sports
Uni Card
- Questions, Problems, Lost Card?
- Send an email to
International Club for Students